In the clinic bathroom, Latrice left her urine sample in the designated basket and scrubbed her hands. This was not how she'd thought her morning would go.\n\nShe had to rush back to work. After work, she had to pick up Roy and then head to her mother's apartment. They told her mother it was so they could have dinner with her, but really it was because she knew her mother could use a break from watching after the grandkids. Latrice loved her niece and nephew and they were good kids, but they could be a handful. Latrice's sister couldn't pick them up until she got off work at 9. And, of course, Latrice had to be back at work early the next morning. \n\nThe doctor said the office would call with the test results in a few hours. Latrice tried to relax her jaw, but her busy day suddenly felt overwhelmingly hectic. She didn't know when she would talk to Roy.\n\n[[Continue|Test 2]]
Latrice finds it difficult to concentrate on the rest of her work. Her mind is bouncing between parenthood and abortion. Logic tells her that abortion is the best decision for herself and Roy, but there's an intangible sense that maybe she should have the baby.\n\nWhen she gets home, Roy is already there, making dinner. \n\n"How was your day?" he asks, giving her a kiss.\n\n"Good. I had a long talk with Kim at lunch. About, you know, being pregnant."\n\n"Did it help you sort some things out?"\n\n"Yeah, it did."\n\n"What did you decide?"\n\n[[Latrice is going to have an abortion|No baby]]\n[[Latrice is going to keep the baby|Birth Bridge]]
Latrice is pacing around the kitchen at three a.m. when Roy comes down.\n\n"What's wrong?" he asks.\n\n"I just...I can't do this," Latrice says. "I know I said I never wanted kids. And I went through all this trouble just to get the abortion in the first place. But now that I'm almost at the point of no return, I don't want to go through with it."\n\nRoy sucks in his breath. "Whoa."\n\n"I mean, it's not like we couldn't support it. We're both stable. And maybe we'll regret never having kids."\n\nRoy takes her hand. "I said I'd support whatever decision you made, even if you changed your mind. Are you sure?"\n\n[[Next.|Sure]]
Latrice stares at Roy. He looks confused at best.\n\nSlowly, Latrice turns back to her mother. "We, um, we haven't thought about that yet."\n\n"Well you are going to get married, aren't you?" Sondra asks. \n\nLatrice raises her eyebrows at her sister. She was expecting a little more emotional support. Besides, Sondra has two kids and isn't married. Why is it expected of her?\n\n"I don't know if we're going to get married," Latrice says, hoping to shut down this particular line of conversation. "Like I said, the baby news came as a surprise to begin with. We'll think about that later."\n\n"Are you really considering not getting married?" her mother asks.\n\n"I don't remember you asking Sondra that same question."\n\n"That's different," Sondra says. "Roy has been with you for years. He should be willing to step up by now."\n\nLatrice bristles. Glancing over at Roy, she sees he's starting to look panicked.\n\n"I have already said that Roy and I are going to talk about this later. We're not discussing this anymore," Latrice says, putting on her attorney voice. She knows her mother hates that tone, but she doesn't need to have a fight break out over this. \n\n[[Next.|Marriage question 2]]
One night, Latrice sits at her desk, sobbing. Most of the office has already gone home so she doesn't feel bad about not being able to hold back any longer. She's exhausted. Morning sickness lasts all day long. She's actually lost some weight because it's such a struggle to keep anything down. \n\nMeanwhile, her workload is piling up. She can barely manage the cases she has, but she feels the need to take on as much as possible before the baby comes. \n\nPlus, while having her mother live with them definitely makes things easier, the adjustment is still taking some getting used to. There are times Latrice wishes she could have more time with Roy with nobody else in the house. \n\nAs each day goes by and Latrice struggles to adjust, she wonders if adding a baby into the mix is actually something she can handle. She has to admit that she feels a little resentful sometimes and the child isn't even born yet. But all this change and stress happened because she decided to have the baby.\n\n[[Next.|Reconsider 2]]
Latrice gets to the office extra early on Friday morning. She hopes to be able to call the client and try to smooth things over before having to deal with anyone in the office. \n\nShe manages to get the client on the phone. "Mr. North, I heard that you were upset that I was not at the meeting yesterday. I wanted to call and apologize and let you know that Kim Stafford is going to fill me in on all the details as soon as she gets in."\n\nThe client is not impressed. "I expected the entire team to be there. I gave plenty of notice."\n\n"Mr. North, I had a medical issue that had to be attended to. I'm sorry."\n\n"You should have rescheduled. This was important."\n\nLatrice is on the verge of losing her temper. She has enough to deal with and this guy's attitude is not helping.\n\n"Mr. North, if one of your family members had an abnormal growth the doctor wanted removed right away, would you expect them to put their treatment on hold for a meeting? Even an important one?"\n\nJust as she says that, Dave walks into her office. Latrice can't help but wince. The last thing she needs is for her team lead to hear her dressing down a client.\n\n[[Next.|Friday 2]]
"Yes, I had an abortion. I'm sorry. I know that my decision conflicts with your values. I know you're upset with me. But I didn't make this decision lightly. I gave it a lot of thought. I really tried to consider being a mother. And I just couldn't do it."\n\n"You could have," Sondra snaps.\n\n"I'm not you, Sondra. I love your kids and I'm glad that being a mother makes you happy. But it's not the life for me. I hope that someday you can both forgive me, even if you don't understand why I did what I did."\n\nHer mother shakes her head. "I just can't believe you would do such a thing. I thought I raised you better than that."\n\nLatrice doesn't know how to respond. She just wants to lie down and rest. Another cramp hits and her knees buckle. Roy supports her and helps her to an armchair. \n\n"I know you're both upset, but now is not the time to be having this conversation," he says. "You can work it out in a few days after Latrice has had time to recover."\n\n"I can't believe you're okay with her killing your child," Sondra snaps.\n\n"We are not having this discussion now," he repeats. He turns to Latrice. "You go rest. Do you need help getting upstairs?"\n\nLatrice shakes her head. "I'll be fine." \n\nShe heads to her room as fast as her body will allow and doesn't even change before collapsing in the bed. She hears more arguing going on downstairs and then a door slam, but she's too tired to worry about it now.\n\n[[Next.|Mom sick]]
In the following weeks, Latrice and Roy begin more seriously planning for the baby. They love their condo, but Latrice points out that staying put isn't financially prudent and that space might be an issue. \n\nAlso, Latrice realizes that the addition to their family is going to mean some refiguring of the support she provides her other family members. She doesn't want to cut anyone off, but continuing to pitch in for her mother's rent and medical bills and Stephen's tuition, while helping out Sondra and her kids, and preparing for the baby, too, makes Roy and Latrice's finances a little more precarious than either of them would like.\n\nWhen Latrice and Roy come across a recently remodeled 4-bedroom that fits their budget, Roy has an idea.\n\n"Baby, we don't need that much space. We've been living in a condo less than half that size for years. Do you think your mother might want to move in with us?"\n\nAt first, Latrice thinks Roy might be joking -- the realtor had called the house's floor plan "a perfect mother-in-law setup." But Roy swears he isn't. He points out that having Latrice's mother close would mean Latrice could more easily look after her mother's health and her mother could be as involved as she wants with her new grandchild. And if Latrice's mother were living with them, Latrice wouldn't have to worry about her mother's rent. After proposing the idea to her mother, the decision is made. Latrice's mother will be moving into the "perfect mother-in-law setup."\n\n[[Next.|Alt Work Stress]]
Latrice schedules her last day before maternity leave a week before her due date. She knows the baby will probably arrive late anyway, but it will be nice to have some downtime before the baby comes. As it is, she's worn out. The baby has gotten so big that it's almost impossible to find a comfortable sleeping position. Plus, it kicks so much that even when she can relax, she's usually kept awake. \n\nWhen the Braxton-Hicks contractions start in her last week of work, Latrice is even more relieved that she has a break coming up. It's almost impossible to concentrate with the constant pain and pressure. But it's not real labor so there's nothing to be done. She considers leaving a few days earlier than planned, but she wants to ensure that all of her cases have gotten the attention they deserve. \n\nOn her second to last day of work, though, her water breaks. It takes her by surprise. She stands up from her desk to get a file, her abdomen cramps, and all of a sudden, water is running down her legs.\n\n[[Next.|Birth 2]]
As much as Latrice hates the idea of giving up her career, she recognizes that work and motherhood are not sustainable right now. She formally cuts ties with her firm and decides to spend a few months just focusing on being a mom.\n\nIt's not long, however, before Latrice starts to feel a sense of emptiness. She loves her son with a passion she never knew before. Yet her life isn't complete. Maybe her old law firm wasn't going to fit with her new life, but she needs something to make her life feel purposeful.\n\n[[Next.|New life 2]]
A month into her maternity leave, Latrice barely feels like she's left work. Even though she hasn't been to the office since she went into labor, it seems like she's getting calls and emails about cases once a day. And even though she's exhausted trying to cope with Darius, Latrice feels the need to respond to every message as quickly as possible. The fact that her colleagues are contacting her means they haven't forgotten her. She needs to make herself indispensable so she can return with her career as intact as possible.\n\nBut the longer the interference goes on, the less enthusiastic Latrice becomes about wanting to return. If they can't respect her boundaries when she has a newborn, how can she expect them to respect her needs later on? Latrice loves both Darius and her career, but she's also coming to realize the extent to which the firm does not necessarily respect the needs of new parents.\n\nRoy got a month of paid parental leave and it's almost time for him to return to work. Latrice knows things will only get harder when it's just her, but he's been anxious to get back to the office. Unlike Latrice, Roy's coworkers have been much less intrusive and he seems to relish it when someone calls him for a favor. Then again, he's not as physically exhausted as she is. True, he's not getting much sleep, but he's also not trying to recover from birth.\n\nLatrice's mother helps out, of course, but these days she needs almost as much attention as Darius. \n\nLatrice starts to wonder if maybe she shouldn't try another career path. Maybe she doesn't need to be attached to her firm forever. She can still work in law in a way that allows her the time and energy to be a mother.\n\n[[Latrice decides to soldier on at her firm.|Return to work]]\n[[Latrice decides to change careers.|Change]]
As soon as they're in the car, Roy asks, "Are you sure you're okay?"\n\n"I'm sure. I might even try to put in a few hours at the office tomorrow. It's not like I'll be doing anything physically demanding."\n\n"Well, I don't want you to push yourself too hard. And I don't want you feeling guilty about taking a day off. I don't want you to feel guilty about anything."\n\nSomething in Roy's voice is off and Latrice's worry increases.\n\n"Okay, what are you not telling me?" she asks.\n\n"You and Sondra had some sort of argument last night, didn't you?"\n\nLatrice suddenly feels sick. "She wanted us to take the kids tonight, and I just wanted to come home and rest. When I tried to deflect things innocently, it ended up escalating."\n\n"Sondra showed up at the house about an hour ago, furious. She told your mother everything, too." \n\n"Well, she's gone now, right? She has to work a late shift."\n\nRoy shakes his head. "She called in to work. Said she had a family emergency. She wants to talk to you."\n\n[[Next.|Home]]
"Latrice, I'm glad you made it," the doctor says. "I know how involved you are in your mother's care. I'm relieved that Sondra could reach you."\n\nLatrice resists the temptation to shoot her sister a dirty look. "I just got here. What happened?"\n\n"Your mother had a mild heart attack. I know that you've been doing a great job helping her out and keeping her on track with her diabetes. But sometimes, blood pressure issues creep up anyway. The good news is that we were able to treat her in time. We'll want to keep her here for a few days, but she should be able to go home no later than Monday."\n\nLatrice's heart sinks. She wonders if this was all her fault. If she hadn't had the abortion, there wouldn't have been that fight...\n\nLatrice is brought back to reality by the doctor asking if she'd like to see her mother. \n\n"You and Sondra go," he says. "I'll watch the kids out here."\n\nThe last thing Latrice wants to do is talk to her mother and sister at the same time, but she's not going to turn down the chance to see her mom. She follows Sondra and the doctor into her mother's room.\n\n[[Next.|Family talk]]
Latrice is at once terrified and infuriated. Terrified for her mother's health and infuriated that she's been in the hospital for several hours. And the most Sondra thought she deserved was a text sent to Roy. She knows she upset the family, but she doesn't deserve this kind of punishment.\n\nLatrice hurries to pick up Roy and then they speed to the hospital. She can barely stand to wait at the reception desk or on the slow elevator that takes them up to the fourth floor. Sondra is sitting in the waiting room; the kids are distracted by their PSPs.\n\n"What's going on?" Latrice demands. "And why the hell didn't you call me?"\n\nSondra looks up. "I didn't think you cared so much about family."\n\nLatrice's anger flares even more. "How could you say that?"\n\nRoy places a hand on Latrice's shoulder. "Maybe we should go find a nurse and then get some dinner downstairs while we wait."\n\nLatrice, though, is in no mood for rationality. She can't believe her own sister would treat her this way. But before she can let loose, the doctor walks in. \n\n[[Next.|Mom sick 3]]
One Saturday, Latrice's mother sits her down for a talk.\n\n"You need to think about your priorities in life," she says. "I knew you were going to need help with the baby. I didn't realize I was going to be the only one taking care of him forty hours a week."\n\n"I'm sorry, Mom. I'm doing my best here."\n\n"Well, you're going to need to figure something else out. Hire a nanny if you have to. I raised you and your sister, and I put a lot of effort into Sondra's kids. Now, you might say it's not fair I don't do the same for you, but I was healthier then and Sondra needed me. You don't need me. You can figure something else out."\n\n[[Next.|Return 3]]
Latrice feels guilty leaving right before the big meeting, but she knows this is the right decision. This isn't just about the client. This is about her whole future. \n\nThe waiting room is crowded, but Latrice doesn't have to wait very long before she is called back. She's relieved that the doctor is slightly aloof. She doesn't want to make chitchat. She just wants to get this over with.\n\nThe doctor shows Latrice the blurry image of the fetus. "You're exactly six weeks along," the doctor says. "We'll go over the details in the counseling session, but since you're so early in your pregnancy, you do have the option of medical abortion rather than surgical."\n\n"Medical?"\n\n"You take a pill that induces abortion. You can take it at home. It takes several hours, and I'm not going to lie--it can be pretty unpleasant. But you also might be more comfortable in your own place."\n\nLatrice is intrigued by the idea. She could get the pill right after work on Friday, take it Saturday morning, and not have to take any time off. No questions about medical appointments or what was wrong. That sounded like the perfect solution.\n\n"Do you have any questions for me at this time?"\n\n"Not right now."\n\n"Let's move into another room, then, so other patients can have this space." She hands Latrice a booklet called "A Woman's Right to Know" and escorts her into a small office. \n\n[[Next.|Alt counseling]]\n
Even though she's been drained lately, Leah invites her family over to her apartment for dinner on Saturday and cooks a special meal. The smell of meat cooking actually makes her a little nauseous, but she powers through and by the time the prep is done, she feels better.\n\nRoy does his best to keep the kids entertained while Latrice's mom and sister help set the table and bring out the food. At first, everyone is silent, most of them enjoying the meal. But while Latrice's appetite has come back, she's too nervous to eat much. \n\n"What's wrong, Latrice?" her mother asks. She always did have a sharp eye.\n\n"I, um, I have an announcement to make." Not wanting to stand too long on ceremony, she dives right in. "I'm pregnant."\n\n[[Next.|Family reaction]]
Roy cuts the umbilical cord and then the doctor hands Latrice her son.\n\n"He's beautiful," she whispers. She can't believe she's actually holding her own baby. Her son, who they've decided to name Darius, after her father.\n\nLatrice is exhausted but still wired from the birth. She sits up for a few hours, gazing at her child. \n\n[[Next.|Maternity leave]]
For the next two weeks, Sondra refuses to take Latrice's calls. Latrice's mother acknowledges her, but their conversations are brief, terse, and tense. Latrice hates that it has come to this. Her family has always been close; this kind of treatment is alien and distressing. Far more uncomfortable than the abortion and much more difficult to recover from.\n\nThe next Friday, Latrice comes out of a late meeting. She has a little more work to catch up on, but thinks she'll be out by eight. \n\nAs soon as she gets back to her office, she sees a text from Roy.\n\n"Been calling, can't reach you. Call as soon as you get this." \n\nThe message is about half an hour old and there are a dozen missed calls. Latrice hurries to call him back.\n\n"What's wrong?"\n\n"I got a text from your sister about an hour ago. Apparently your mom went to the hospital this morning."\n\n[[Next.|Mom sick 2]]
Latrice hurries to Kim's office. "My water just broke. What do I do?"\n\n"I would think you'd call the doctor and go to the hospital."\n\n"But it's early. My due date is ten days away. I'm supposed to have another day and a half of work. I'm supposed to have some downtime before the baby comes."\n\n"And nature frequently doesn't care about what's supposed to happen."\n\n"I'm not ready to have a baby. I don't know what to do."\n\n"Would you like me to drive you to the hospital? Roy can come get your car later."\n\n"I...I guess so. Thanks."\n\nThey get into Kim's car and head out. Latrice calls Roy.\n\n"I'm in labor."\n\n"What? But your due date--"\n\n"I don't know. But Kim is taking me to the hospital. It'll probably be a while, though. You can probably finish your workday if you want."\n\n"No way. I'm headed over there right now. I'll call Sondra and your mother. Don't worry about a thing. Just relax."\n\n[[Next.|Birth 3]]
Latrice is set up in a private birthing suite. Kim stays until Roy arrives with Sondra in tow.\n\n"Mom has the kids," Sondra said. "She wanted to be here, but someone had to look after them."\n\n"That's fine," Latrice says, just before a contraction takes hold of her. She doesn't know how she'll endure several more hours of this. \n\nThe afternoon turns into night, and then into the dark hours of the morning. The contractions get more intense and Latrice feels more exhausted with every hour. For a while, she tries to sleep but can't manage to doze for very long. \n\nFinally, just after three in the morning, Latrice delivers a son.\n\n[[Next.|Birth 4]]
Latrice schedules her last day with the firm a week before her due date. She knows the baby will probably arrive late anyway, but it will be nice to have some downtime before the baby comes. She hasn't given a lot of thought to other career options yet, and while she's not ready to start trying for other jobs, at least this will give her the time to explore her options.\n\nAs it is, she's worn out. The baby has gotten so big that it's almost impossible to find a comfortable sleeping position. Plus, it kicks so much that even when she can relax, she's usually kept awake. \n\nWhen the Braxton-Hicks contractions start in her last week of work, Latrice is even more relieved that she has a break coming up. It's almost impossible to concentrate with the constant pain and pressure. But it's not real labor so there's nothing to be done. She considers leaving a few days earlier than planned, but she wants to ensure that all of her cases have gotten the attention they deserve. \n\nOn her second to last day of work, though, her water breaks. It takes her by surprise. She stands up from her desk to get a file, her abdomen cramps, and all of a sudden, water is running down her legs.\n\n[[Next.|Alt Birth 2]]
The move. The change in structure. The physical symptoms of pregnancy. The number of changes is making Latrice and Roy both nervous, even if she knows they're making the best choices they can. \n\nTrying to stay on top of things at work has, of course, posed its own set of challenges. Latrice knows she is lucky to work at a company that offers paid maternity leave, but that doesn't mean that missing three months of work won't leave her woefully out of the loop or potentially jeopardize her opportunities to advance at the firm. When her colleagues ask about the state of her cases, Latrice can't help but feel like sharks are circling, her impending leave as enticing as blood in the water.\n\n[[Next.|Reconsider]]
Latrice doesn't feel any better after her talk with Jane. Instead, she feels trapped. No matter what she does, there doesn't seem to be a way to have the career she wants while being a mother.\n\nReviewing her options, Latrice is more sure than ever that she doesn't want to be a stay-at-home mom. Her own mother seemed happy enough, but that's not the life Latrice wanted for herself.\n\nShe wonders if Roy would be amenable to being a full-time dad. She's not sure he'd want to give up his career any more than she does, but it wouldn't hurt to ask.\n\nMaybe a career change would be a better idea. She could take a position in a different firm with more flexibility. Maybe she could start teaching at the University of Houston law school. It would be a pay cut, but she could supplement with legal consulting on the side. Maybe after adjusting to the new baby, she could even open her own practice. \n\nStill, she loves the career she's built and until this pregnancy, she's loved the law firm where she works. Maybe she should try to muscle through.\n\n[[Latrice will ask Roy to quit his job.|Ask Roy]]\n[[Latrice will pursue another career.|Pursue New]]\n[[Latrice will try to make it work at her current job.|Make it work]]
Latrice takes a deep breath. \n\n"Roy, I want to keep it. I know it's not a good time with the way my family is and all the stress I've been under at work. But the fact is, there's never going to be a good time."\n\n"I thought you didn't want kids."\n\n"I didn't, but now...we're both more stable. Yes, things are hectic, but our careers are both going well. We could afford childcare so I could go back to work after the baby is born. It just seems like the right thing to do."\n\n"Are you sure?"\n\n[[Latrice tells Roy she doesn't know.|Doesn't know]]\n\n[[Latrice tells Roy she is sure.|Sure]]
Latrice takes a deep breath. \n\n"Roy, I want to keep it. I know it's not a good time with the way my family is and all the stress I've been under at work. But the fact is, there's never going to be a good time."\n\n"I thought you didn't want kids."\n\n"I didn't, but now...we're both more stable. Yes, things are hectic, but our careers are both going well. We could afford childcare so I could go back to work after the baby is born. It just seems like the right thing to do."\n\n"Are you sure?"\n\n[[Yes.|Sure]]
Latrice finally realizes that she's not getting any more work done tonight so she packs up her things and heads home. On the way, she can't help but weigh her options. She's still in the first trimester. There's still time for her to have an abortion. It would mean finagling more time off of work, but it's not like she hasn't been dealing with that for weeks now. \n\nShe has no idea how Roy will react. Maybe he'll be mad that they've made all these changes and now she doesn't follow through. But maybe he'll also be relieved. She knows he's been struggling with their new situation just as much as she has. \n\nOf course, then there's the issue of how to handle things with her mother and with work when she's suddenly not pregnant anymore. But she'll cross that bridge if she comes to it. \n\nStill, a few weeks ago, she wanted to have this baby. She knew how stressful it was going to be. Maybe Sondra and her mother are right. Maybe it is worth it. Maybe she'll be missing out if she doesn't have a baby.\n\n[[Latrice decides to have an abortion.|Abortion bridge]]\n[[Latrice decides to have the baby.|Continue pregnancy]]
"How was your talk with Jane?" Roy asks when Latrice gets home.\n\n"Unfortunately, it didn't make me feel better. Either my career takes a huge hit or I run myself ragged trying to balance work and a kid."\n\n"We'll make it work."\n\n"I was actually thinking that maybe it would be best for everyone if I changed career directions. Maybe I could get a job at the law school. I'd probably be a good teacher. I could try to supplement that with consulting on the side. Maybe even start my own practice."\n\n"Is that what you really want?"\n\n"I'm going to need a lot more flexibility. I'll miss the firm a lot, but if I eventually had my own practice, it wouldn't be so bad. And with mom's health so precarious, it might be good for me to have a more flexible schedule."\n\n"Just know that if you want to go back, you can. I don't want you to feel forced into giving up your career."\n\n"This will mean I take a pay cut. Things might be tight for a while."\n\n"We'll make it work," Roy says. "We've been through tougher times."\n\n[[Next.|Alt birth]]
For the next two weeks, Sondra refuses to take Latrice's calls. It also appears that Sondra has told their mother because whenever Latrice calls to check in, their conversations are brief, terse, and tense. Latrice toys with the idea of broaching the issue, but doesn't want to get into another fight. \n\nLatrice hates that it has come to this. Her family has always been close; this kind of treatment is alien and distressing. Far more uncomfortable than the abortion and much more difficult to recover from.\n\nEven when she has her follow-up appointment and confirms that the medical abortion worked and that she is definitely no longer pregnant, Latrice is so distressed by her family's treatment that she barely registers a sense of relief. \n\nThe next Friday, Latrice comes out of a late meeting. She has a little more work to catch up on, but thinks she'll be out by eight. \n\nAs soon as she gets back to her office, she sees a text from Roy.\n\n"Been calling, can't reach you. Call as soon as you get this." \n\nThe message is about half an hour old and there are a dozen missed calls. Latrice hurries to call him back.\n\n"What's wrong?"\n\n"I got a text from your sister about an hour ago. Apparently your mom went to the hospital this morning."\n\n[[Next.|Mom sick 2]]
"Yeah, I'm going to have an abortion. I'll call a clinic tomorrow."\n\n"You're not going back to Dr. Cruz?"\n\n"She doesn't perform them."\n\n"Oh."\n\nLatrice squeezes Roy's hand. "It will be fine. I have options. I'll make some calls first thing in the morning."\n\n[[Next.|Abortion 2]]\n
Latrice calls her friend Kim to see if she wants to meet for dinner. She doesn't even feel that hungry; she just needs to vent. When she arrives at Kim's house, she's barely in the door thirty seconds before she starts to cry.\n\n"Roy...he seemed so angry when I suggested he quit his job. He told me if he'd had a choice, he wouldn't have had the kid. God, how is our relationship even going to work if that's how he feels?"\n\nKim hugs her. "Hey, he's pretty stressed, too. Just because he's not pregnant doesn't mean that he isn't having trouble coping with all the changes, too. And as passionately as you're clinging to your career, do you expect him to want him to give his up?"\n\n"No, I don't. It's just...why I am I the one who has to compromise on her career?"\n\n"Would you rather leave him and be a single mother?"\n\n"The thought did flash across my mind as I was speeding out of the driveway. But no, not really."\n\n"Look, you're both going through a lot right now. You don't need to decide just yet. Give it some time."\n\nLatrice sighs. "You're right. God, I hope I made the right decision keeping it. I hope I don't regret it."\n\n"I think it will all work out, one way or another."\n\n[[Next.|Next day]]
"Wait," Sondra continues. "I don't want you using this as ammo to get an abortion. I don't regret my kids, not for one minute. Yeah, they're a handful, and yeah, I'm tired a lot, but I love them more than I've loved anything in my life. I'm so glad I have them."\n\n"But that doesn't mean the same choice is right for me."\n\n"Are you kidding? What would you even have to worry about? It's not like you'll have to be concerned with affording your doctor visits and buying diapers."\n\n"It's not about the money, Sondra. It's about whether I even want kids."\n\n"Look, you'll never know what it's like to be a mother unless you take the risk. And maybe you don't feel attached to the idea now, but trust me, when you feel it kick for the first time, that will change. And then when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time, you will experience the most powerful love you've ever known."\n\n"Yeah, but I just don't know if I really want all the other stuff that comes with it."\n\n"I'm telling you, it's worth it," Sondra says, patting her sister on the hand. "Now, do you want to go get some food with us?"\n\n"I wish I could, but I need to get back to the office. I have an urgent brief I need to finish off tonight."\n\n"You're not going to be able to work as hard when you have kids," Sondra says, walking her to the door.\n\n"That's what I'm afraid of," Latrice mutters after the door is closed.\n\n[[Next.|Choice]]
"Well, yes, I'd get an abortion. I don't want kids. I never have. And Roy doesn't want kids, either."\n\n"Are you sure he doesn't? Maybe he's just saying that. A lot of guys really want kids."\n\n"You mean like Mitchell?"\n\nSondra winces, and Latrice feels guilty. It wasn't really fair to bring Sondra's ex into this. But she doesn't want to be pressured into keeping this baby because of Roy.\n\n"I'm sorry," Latrice says. "That was harsh. Look, Roy said he'd support whatever I wanted, and I believe that. So now I just need to figure out what I want."\n\nThe kids burst in. "Hi, Aunt Latrice!" her nephew shrieks.\n\n"We're hungry, Mom," her niece says. "Can we have dinner soon?"\n\nSondra rubs her temples. "If you both finish your homework by the time Aunt Latrice and I are done talking, I'll take you to Whataburger, okay?"\n\n"Yay!" they scream and run off to the living room.\n\n"Are you okay?" Latrice asks.\n\n"I'm fine. Just tired. Even on my days off, I never catch a break. It's like--" Sondra stops herself. \n\n[[Next.|Sondra 4]]
Latrice goes over to Sondra's house after work the next night. She has a brief that she's going to have to go back to the office and finish before heading home, but she needs to get the pregnancy issue off her chest sooner rather than later.\n\nSondra's kids are distracted playing video games when Latrice arrives. Her sister offers her a seat in the kitchen and hands her a glass of iced tea. \n\n"So what's up?"\n\n"First, I need you to not talk to Mom about this. I don't want to keep secrets from her, but her health is still shaky. I don't want to worry her until I've figured things out."\n\n"Did you get fired or something?"\n\nLatrice shakes her head. "I'm pregnant, and I don't know what to do."\n\nSondra raises an eyebrow. "So what are you worried about? You have a good job and good insurance."\n\n"It's not that I'm worried. It's that I don't know whether to keep it or not."\n\n"What do you mean, you don't know whether to keep it or not? You'd actually get an abortion?"\n\n[[Next.|Sondra 3]]\n\n
With that, the nurse administers the anesthesia. It's not long before Latrice is drifting in and out of consciousness. The doctor and nurse are talking, but Latrice feels too foggy to try and track what they're saying. She hears noises and feels some pain and some pressure, and then a more intense variation of the same, but she's so hazy that she's able to power through the procedure. \n\nLatrice fully regains her senses when her abdomen locks up in the most intense cramp she's ever felt. The nurse brings her a glass of water and a pamphlet with post-operative instructions. The nurse reviews the pamphlet with Latrice, whose mind still feels a little foggy. She pays attention as best she can, trusting that she'll be able to figure it out later. \n\nAnother nurse knocks on the door. "Latrice? Your ride is here."\n\nLatrice is escorted into the waiting room. Roy is standing at the door with a worried look on his face.\n\n"It's okay," Latrice says. "I'm hurting, but I'm fine."\n\nRoy gives her a gentle kiss but doesn't say anything. Now Latrice is worried.\n\n[[Next.|Drive home]]
In the parking lot of the clinic, Latrice checks her cell to see if there are any important messages. There's a text from her coworker, Kim.\n\n"Your absence was noticed. Client wasn't thrilled."\n\nThere's also an email from Dave to the same effect.\n\nIt's almost five-thirty. Latrice doesn't want to go back to the office. If Dave is still around, he might question why she's there so soon after her procedure. \n\nLatrice heads home but spends the night feeling agitated about work. She's angry that she's not allowed to make her personal life a priority once in a while. She's worried that she'll be fired or lose out on a promotion because of this. But she made her choice. She'll just have to wait and see what happens.\n\n[[Next.|Friday]]
The marriage. The wedding. The move. The number of changes is making Latrice and Roy both nervous, even if she knows they're making the best choices they can. \n\nTrying to stay on top of things at work has, of course, posed its own set of challenges. Latrice knows she is lucky to work at a company that offers paid maternity leave, but that doesn't mean that missing three months of work won't leave her woefully out of the loop or potentially jeopardize her opportunities to advance at the firm. When her colleagues ask about the state of her cases, Latrice can't help but feel like sharks are circling, her impending leave as enticing as blood in the water.\n\n[[Next.|Reconsider]]\n
"I don't want us to get married just because I'm pregnant. I don't want us to get married just because we think we have to. I've been really happy with the way things are, and I don't think we have to change that because there's going to be a kid in the picture."\n\n"That sounds good," Roy says. "I can only handle so much change at once."\n\n"Well, you're going to have to get used to it," Latrice says, laughing. "I think there's going to be a lot of change happening."\n\n[[Next.|Moving]]
Latrice is nervous about breaking the news to the head of the legal team for this case, but she knows she needs to get it done.\n\n"Hey, Dave, I need to talk to you," Latrice says on Tuesday morning.\n\n"What's up?"\n\n"Look, that big meeting on Thursday. I know the entire team needs to be there, but I've...I need to have this minor medical procedure done. When I scheduled it last week, Thursday was clear. I need to get it done soon. I know this meeting can't be rescheduled, but neither can my appointment. I'm really sorry. I know how important the meeting is. But Kim already agreed to brief me when it's over and make sure I'm in the loop."\n\nDave raises his eyebrows. "Medical procedure? How long will you be gone?" \n\n"It will be an outpatient thing. I'll have to go back for a, uh, follow-up, but I will have to be out Thursday afternoon."\n\n"What's going on?"\n\n"Dave, it's personal. And the last I checked, I didn't need a doctor's note." Latrice is struggling to keep her cool. \n\nDave frowns. "Well, I just hope the client isn't upset. It wouldn't look good for you, or for the team, if they were."\n\n"I will follow up with them personally if necessary."\n\n"Fine. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a conference call."\n\nBy the time Latrice makes it back to her desk, her hands are shaking. She just wants to get this over with. \n\n[[Next.|Clinic visit]]
"Two weeks?! But when I called last week you had lots of availabilities." Latrice struggles to keep her voice calm. She knows it's not the receptionist's fault. She just wants to get this resolved.\n\n"I'm sorry, Ma'am. A clinic like this can have unexpected surges in need like this. There's no real way to predict it. I know it's inconvenient for you. We're just trying to accommodate everyone who needs us."\n\nLatrice's mind races. Maybe she should just keep the appointment she has. Work is important, but so is this. If she were sick, she wouldn't be hesitating. Maybe she needs to treat this as the personal and medical issue it is. \n\nOn the other hand, she's still very early in her pregnancy. Even if she waits two weeks, she'll still be in the first trimester. She has time, so maybe this meeting should take priority.\n\n[[Latrice decides to keep her appointment.|Meeting]]\n[[Latrice decides to reschedule.|Reschedule 3]]
"Okay, let's book the soonest appointment you have."\n\n"That will be Tuesday the 24th at 11:00 a.m."\n\n"I'll take it," Latrice says.\n\n[[Next.|Ultrasound]]
"Hey, Kim, what are you doing for lunch today?" Latrice asks the next morning.\n\n"No plans. I actually have a pretty light day today. Knock on wood."\n\n"Heh. Anyway, do you want to go somewhere at, like, 12:30? I have something I need to get off my chest."\n\nKim furrows her brow. "Everything okay?"\n\n"Eh. I'm not dying, but I'm in a tough spot and could really use your advice." \n\n"Of course. I'll swing by your office at 12:30."\n\n"Great. See you then."\n\n[[Next.|Lunch]]
Just as Roy said, Sondra is sitting in the living room. Her mother is sitting with her. They both look furious. Sondra's kids are at the kitchen table doing homework. They're unusually quiet; they must know something is wrong.\n\nLatrice doesn't know what to do. Her abdomen is throbbing and her head is starting to hurt. She just wants to lie down on the couch and watch some bad TV. \n\n"Where were you?" her mother asks.\n\n"Mom, I'm sorry, but I don't feel well right now."\n\n"Don't try to brush this off. I know the truth. I didn't want to believe it at first, and neither did Sondra, but Roy told us everything."\n\nLatrice looks at Roy, feeling betrayed. \n\n"I didn't know what to do," he says. "I'm sorry. It didn't feel right to lie. I know it's your business, but..."\n\nLatrice leans against the wall. She knows it's not Roy's fault, that he was just trying to do the right thing. It's time to come clean.\n\n[[Next.|Home 2]]
"Latrice, this isn't a job. It's another human life. You can't quit if you hate it. You can't give up if it doesn't work out the way you want. You have to be sure you're willing to accept everything, the good and the bad."\n\nLatrice takes a long drink of her soda, trying to calm her spinning head. "You're right," she says, but she's still not convinced.\n\n"What did Roy say?"\n\n"He said he'd support me no matter what I decided. I know he's lukewarm on the kid idea, though."\n\n"If neither of you is enthusiastic, maybe this isn't the best idea."\n\nLatrice knows Kim is probably right, but she's still not entirely sure. \n\nKim reaches across the table and takes Latrice's hand. "Hey, I've got your back. If you want to keep the kid, I am going to babysit it all the time. I'm going to consider it my niece or nephew. And if you don't want to keep it, I'll go wait with you at the clinic."\n\n"Thanks," Latrice says, then changes the subject to office gossip. She needs to take her mind off of things for a while.\n\n[[Next|Choice]]
Back at the apartment, Latrice and Roy sat side by side on the couch. Roy put his arm around Latrice's shoulder and she leaned into him.\n\n"I got a new intern today," Roy said. "Nice kid. From the city. Goes to the University of Houston. Says he wants to go on to law school."\n\n"They all do," Latrice said, managing a small laugh. \n\nRoy leaned in and kissed the top of her head.\n\n"Only the best ones make it." \n\nLatrice laughed and squeezed Roy's thigh with her hand. Roy's support of her professional ambitions and his understanding of her desire to support her family members as best she could had helped sustain their relationship long past their senior year of college, when they'd both interned at the legal publishing firm where Roy had worked full time ever since. While they had discussed marriage, the timing had never felt right -- Latrice's brother was having a hard time, and then her sister was pregnant, and then her mom was in the hospital -- and family members stopped asking questions after the first few years, anyhow. Of course, now that she was pregnant, she wondered if she had made the right choice. She never doubted her relationship with Roy, but what if they wanted different things? What was she willing to compromise? \n\nAs questions raced through her mind on the same loop that had started running that morning in the doctor's office, Latrice knew the only thing to do was to say something, and so she did.\n\n"Roy," she started. "I have to tell you something."\n\nHe suddenly turned serious.\n\n"Are you ok? Is everything ok? Your brother in trouble again?"\n\n"No, no. Stephen's fine," Latrice said. "He's fine. I'm fine. I'm just -- I'm pregnant."\n\nRoy paused significantly. She couldn't quite read his expression. \n\n"What do you want to do, Latrice?"\n\n[[Latrice tells Roy she thinks she wants the baby|Want baby]]\n[[Latrice tells Roy she doesn't think she wants the baby|No baby]]\n[[Latrice tells Roy she doesn't know|Doesn't know]]
"What's wrong?" Roy asks the second Latrice walks in the door.\n\n"Nothing," she says, trying to keep her voice cheerful. She can hear her mother watching TV in the living room and she doesn't want to arouse suspicion. \n\nHe raises an eyebrow and takes her by the hand. "Come on, I want to show you something in the office."\n\nOnce the office door is closed, Roy turns to Latrice. "Really, what's wrong? You're not fooling me."\n\nLatrice starts to cry again, covering her mouth to keep her mother from hearing. "I'm just so overwhelmed. Everything has changed so fast. I don't know that I can keep doing this."\n\n"What are you saying?"\n\n"I don't know what I'm saying. I'm just burned out, and I can't believe it's this bad so early on, and I feel awful because we did all this and now I'm not even sure--"\n\nLatrice stops herself. She's afraid to admit it.\n\nRoy takes her hand. "Have you changed your mind? Do you want to get an abortion?"\n\nLatrice nods. "I just...we bought a house, and my mom moved in, and we did all this stuff, and for what?"\n\n"Hey, hey, it's okay. I told you I'd support you no matter what. That included if you changed your mind."\n\n"But what about the house, and..."\n\n"Look, the extra space is nice. And it's probably actually really good for your mom to be living with us. Better than if she's on her own. It's still a good situation, even if the circumstances are going to change."\n\n"But what do I tell her, you know, after? She'd be heartbroken if..."\n\nRoy takes her hand. "Let's think about that later."\n\n[[Next.|Abortion bridge 2]]\n\n
Although Latrice doesn't feel like she's gotten a chance to rest and rejuvenate during her leave, she's anxious to actually be in the office again. \n\nShe's surprised to realize how upset she is to leave Darius alone all day. It's not that she doesn't trust her mother. She just doesn't want to be gone for a whole day. He won't be a baby forever and she'll never get back the time she spends away from him. \n\nBut sacrifices have to be made. She's known that all along. So she dives back in to office life. And for the first few days, she's so busy that she barely has time to think about her family during the day. \n\nAs the weeks go by, Latrice starts feeling completely ragged. She works a full day, struggles to leave after just eight hours, and then is completely exhausted at home. She wants to be cheerful and happy when she's with her family, but the stress is getting to her. Plus, her colleagues keep placing subtle pressure on her to work more hours, especially on weekends. But that's not something she can handle right now.\n\n[[Next.|Return 2]]
"Is there any chance you might be pregnant?"\n\nLatrice started to say no but stopped halfway through the word. It seemed unlikely. She did take birth control but the late nights at the office and the stress of dealing with her family's issues on top of that sometimes took a toll. She knew the odds she had missed at least a dose were pretty high, but she couldn't remember. She exhaled slowly.\n\n"I guess," she told Dr. Cruz, "I could be." \n\nAs the doctor reviewed information on Latrice's chart and asked a few questions, Latrice was distracted. What would she do if she was pregnant? What would Roy say? They had both said -- for years -- that they didn't want children. But they were older now and while Latrice still felt a strong devotion to her family, both she and Roy's careers were more stable now. Maybe they could make it work, if they wanted to. But did they? Did she?\n\n[[Continue|Test]]
Latrice decides to beg off the Thursday client meeting. She doesn't want to tell anyone at the office exactly why, but she hates the idea of lying to her colleagues. She decides to say she's having a minor procedure and hope that politeness will keep anyone from prying too deeply. \n\n[[Next.|Talk to partner]]
Leah takes a deep breath. "Yes, I'm sure. I know it's scary and bad timing, but it just feels right."\n\nRoy hugs Latrice close. "Okay. If that's what you want, then I guess we're going to have a baby."\n\n"You're not upset?"\n\n"I'm shocked. But it'll sink in sooner or later."\n\n"I guess I'd better call Dr. Cruz in the morning, then. And maybe we should have a special family dinner this weekend to tell my mom and sister."\n\n"I think that sounds like a great idea."\n\n[[Next.|Tell family]]
After her family leaves, Latrice and Roy collapse on the couch.\n\n"I'm really sorry about that," Latrice says. "I really didn't think she was going to bring up the marriage thing. Nobody has mentioned it in years."\n\n"Yeah, but when a kid comes into the picture, people's minds change," Roy replies. "Besides, maybe she's right. Maybe we should get married. What do you think?"\n\n[[Latrice agrees.|Wedding]]\n[[Latrice wants to think about it.|Think]]\n[[Latrice doesn't want to get married.|No marriage]]
Latrice and Roy agree on a courthouse wedding with dinner afterward just for family and close friends. Latrice was never the sort of person who dreamed about a big, fancy wedding. She loves Roy and is happy to be marrying him, but she doesn't see the need for a lavish event. And besides, they certainly have enough to deal with without planning a wedding.\n\nSondra and Latrice's friend, Kim, are witnesses. Roy's parents, brothers, nephews, and best friend go to the courthouse with them, as do Sondra's kids. Latrice is impressed at how well they behave themselves. Usually they're full of energy, but it seems they've been well-prepared for the afternoon.\n\nThe ceremony is quick, and then everyone heads to Brenner's, which is Latrice's favorite restaurant. The family gets a big table near the back. All in all, everyone seems happy. Everyone is getting along, making conversation, and wishing the newly-married couple many happy returns.\n\nToward the end of the night, the kids start to get rowdy. Latrice can sympathize. She remembers being a little kid and getting frustrated at having to be seen and not heard. Still, she starts to feel a little anxious and irritated. She's starting to wonder if she'll be able to handle it. \n\nSondra seems to sense Latrice's mood. "Don't worry," she whispers. "It's different when it's your own." \n\n[[Next.|After wedding]]\n\n
Latrice starts to cry again, covering her mouth to keep her mother from hearing. "I'm just so overwhelmed. Everything has changed so fast. I don't know that I can keep doing this."\n\n"What are you saying?"\n\n"I don't know what I'm saying. I'm just burned out, and I can't believe it's this bad so early on, and I feel awful because we did all this and now I'm not even sure--"\n\nRoy pulls Latrice into a tight hug. "It's okay, it's okay. It's normal to be stressed out at a time like this. Aren't the three most stressful things getting married, having a baby, and moving? It kind of hit us all at once."\n\n"You forgot to add my job. Yeah, I can take maternity leave, but I'm really scared about getting lost in the shuffle when I'm gone. My career is still important to me and it always will be."\n\n"I know it is, and I think you're going to be okay. Isn't there anyone else at the office you can talk to about this? There has to be at least one other woman there who has a kid."\n\n"Honestly, only one. That's what freaks me out the most. Being a lawyer has always been my first priority. Am I doing something that compromises my entire dream?"\n\n"Why don't you talk to that other lawyer? Maybe she can give you some advice."\n\n[[Next.|Talk to Jane]]
"I don't want us to get married just because I'm pregnant. I don't want us to get married just because we think we have to. Let's think about it a little more."\n\n"That sounds good," Roy says. "I can only handle so much change at once."\n\n"Well, you're going to have to get used to it," Latrice says. "I think there's going to be a lot of change happening."\n\n[[Next.|Moving]]
Promptly at 12:30, Kim shows up at Latrice's office. After quickly saving a few files, the two of them head out to one of Latrice's favorite sandwich shops. After settling into a booth with their food, Latrice opens up.\n\n"I'm pregnant, and I don't know what to do."\n\nKim nods. "So congratulations are not immediately in order."\n\nLatrice sighs. "I never wanted to be a mother. But maybe...maybe if it happened..."\n\n"You're not obligated to be a mother."\n\n"I know."\n\n"And if you really don't want to raise a kid, maybe you shouldn't. You might end up really resenting it. I don't doubt that you have the ability to be a good mother, but why force yourself and Roy into it if neither of you wants that?"\n\n"It just seems like if the opportunity is here, maybe I should take it."\n\n[[Next.|Lunch 2]]
"I don't want us to get married just because I'm pregnant. I don't want us to get married just because we think we have to," Latrice says.\n\n"We don't have to get married," Roy says. "But I do want to." \n\nHe reaches into his pocket and pulls out an engagement ring. "Latrice, will you marry me?"\n\n"Yes," Latrice says, allowing Roy to slip the ring on her finger. "But how did you know I was going to say yes?"\n\nRoy just grins.\n\n[[Next.|Wedding 2]]
"I can't believe you'd do this," Sondra snaps. "I can't believe you'd actually have an abortion."\n\n"I'm sorry. I know that my decision conflicts with your values. I know you're upset with me. But I didn't make this decision lightly. I gave it a lot of thought. I really tried to consider being a mother. And I just couldn't do it."\n\n"You could have," Sondra snaps.\n\n"I'm not you, Sondra. I love your kids and I'm glad that being a mother makes you happy. But it's not the life for me. I hope that someday you can both forgive me, even if you don't understand why I did what I did."\n\nLatrice's head is starting to swim. She wants to lie down and curl up in a ball. \n\nRoy comes in. "Sondra, I know you're upset, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I know you're both upset, but now is not the time to be having this conversation," he says. "You can work it out in a few days after Latrice has had time to recover."\n\nSondra glares at both of them. "Kids, come on! We're going to Grandma's house. Hurry up!"\n\nThe kids come charging into the room. Sondra doesn't say goodbye.\n\n[[Next.|Sick bridge]]\n
"What are these?" Sondra asks.\n\nLatrice swallows hard. "I really don't feel well."\n\n"What are these?"\n\nLatrice looks up at Roy; he looks about as stuck as she feels. \n\n"Come on, kids, let's go play on the computer," he says, guiding them out of the room.\n\n"Answer me, Latrice," Sondra says as soon as the kids are gone. \n\n"Don't you have an emergency at work?"\n\n"It appears I have a bigger emergency at home."\n\n"I don't want to talk about this right now."\n\n"You know I was studying to be a pharmacy tech before...before I got pregnant. I know what these do."\n\n"Well if you know, we don't need to talk about it."\n\n[[Next.|Saturday 5]]
Latrice is starting to feel better. She's still bleeding but the worst of seems to be over. She puts on a menstrual pad and then splashes some cold water on her face before going to see what the fuss is about. \n\nSondra looks startled when Latrice walks in. "I guess Roy was right?"\n\n"About what?"\n\n"I had something come up with work and wanted y'all to take the kids for the night. Roy said it wasn't a good time, because you're sick."\n\n"I'm sorry, Sondra. I know you need help, but I just feel awful."\n\n"It's okay, it's okay. I'll take them to Mom's place. Can I use your bathroom before I head out, though? I really need pee."\n\n"No problem," Latrice says, sitting on the couch and flipping the television back on. \n\nSondra hurries into the bathroom. Roy brings Latrice a fresh can of soda and she tries to relax. \n\nWhen Sondra returns, her hands are shaking. She's holding two pill bottles in her hand.\n\n[[Next.|Saturday 4]]
An hour later, the cramps get even worse. Latrice hobbles to the bathroom just in time; she starts bleeding heavily. \n\nLatrice feels weak, and grips the side of the sink as her body does its job. \n\n"Are you okay?" Roy calls through the door.\n\n"As okay as I can be."\n\n"Do you want me with you?"\n\n"I'd rather do this alone."\n\nRoy slides her cell phone under the door. "In case you want to call Kim or something."\n\nLatrice almost manages a smile. She picks up the phone and calls her friend.\n\n"Are you okay?" Kim asks as soon as she picks up.\n\n"It hurts. I feel awful."\n\n"I know, I know. But it will be over soon. This will all be over soon."\n\nLatrice talks to Kim a little while longer, then hangs up when she starts to feel dizzy. \n\nSuddenly, she hears voices in the living room. Sondra is talking to Roy in an elevated tone, and the kids are running around.\n\n[[Next.|Saturday 3]]\n
Even with Roy on paternity leave for the first month of Darius' life, Latrice feels overwhelmed adjusting to life with an infant. Her mother pitches in, too, but her health has been getting increasingly fragile and sometimes it seems that she needs just as much care as the baby. \n\nWhen Roy goes back to work and Latrice is more or less on her own, she begins to feel adrift. Sondra comes by to spoil her new nephew and the children are excited to have a new cousin. But even so, Latrice can't help but mourn the loss of her career and wonder if she made a mistake. \n\nBut the thought of even trying to get her old job back exhausts her. Latrice doesn't understand where all her energy went. She knows, of course, that it's because Darius has yet to allow her and Roy a full night's sleep. But the pervasive exhaustion is like nothing she's ever felt, even during her most time-consuming cases at work. \n\n[[Next.|New life 2]]
Latrice leaves the office at 5:00 on the dot. She doesn't have much time to get to the clinic before they close and today she is not tolerating any interruptions. As it is, she barely makes it, thanks to the rush hour traffic. But she manages to pick up the pills just under the wire. \n\nLatrice decides to wait until Saturday morning to take the pills. She wants a good night's sleep before going through with it.\n\nHowever, she finds it difficult to sleep. She realizes this is her last chance to decide whether to have the abortion or whether she really wants to keep the baby. Until now, she thought she knew the answer. But at the eleventh hour, she can't help but wonder if she's making the right decision.\n\n[[Latrice decides to have the abortion.|Saturday]]\n[[Latrice decides to keep the baby.|Alt birth bridge]]
Mr. North stutters. "No, well, I guess not."\n\n"Please understand. I value your case and your trust in us. I would not have skipped had it not been absolutely necessary. Now, I will contact you directly if I have any questions. Is that okay?"\n\n"Yes. Yes. I'm...I'm sorry." \n\n"It's okay, Mr. North," Latrice says, even though it's not. She resents that she has to explain herself. She resents that she has to give a half-truth just to get people off her back.\n\n"Abnormal growth?" Dave asks as she gets off the phone.\n\n"Dave, I would really rather not discuss it. I only mentioned it to Mr. North because it seemed that giving him the truth would be the only way to smooth things over."\n\n"You don' don't have anything that's going to put you on leave for a few months, do you?"\n\nLatrice resists the temptation to roll her eyes. "I have a follow-up appointment next week and then the problem should be taken care of."\n\nLatrice raps her knuckles against her mahogany desk as quietly as she can. She doesn't want to jinx it.\n\n"Well, that's good. Thank you for being responsible and smoothing things over with the client," he says as he walks out.\n\nWith that drama out of the way, Latrice buckles down to focus on her work. She just hopes that Dave keeps his mouth shut. She doesn't want any more trouble at the office. \n\n[[Next.|Friday 3]]
Latrice calls Sondra on her lunch break. \n\n"Hey, I have to make this quick. I'm about to start my shift."\n\n"Sorry, I know you're busy. Can we talk tonight?"\n\n"About what?"\n\n"I don't want to say on the phone. I'm just in a rough spot and need some advice."\n\n"What's going on?"\n\n"This is the kind of thing I'd rather discuss in person. It will take more than ten minutes."\n\n"Can it wait until tomorrow? I'm going to be exhausted when I get home tonight, but I have tomorrow off."\n\n"Sure, we can do tomorrow. I'll come over at 5:30, is that okay?"\n\n"That's fine. I'll see you then."\n\n[[Next.|Sondra 2]]
With the stress of the night before, Latrice is doubly anxious. Still, she works through most of her standard lunch hour in order to get as much done as possible. She's been told she shouldn't expect to be at work until Monday, so she doesn't want to get too far behind. \n\nLatrice heads over to the clinic alone. Her friend, Kim, offered to go with her, but Latrice knows that Kim's workload is just as intense as hers. She didn't want to disrupt her friend's day. Roy will come pick her up from the clinic after the abortion is done. \n\nSitting in the waiting room, Latrice is antsy. She didn't realize how long she'd be kept waiting and wishes she'd brought some work with her. Finally, after an hour, she's called back. \n\nA nurse checks Latrice's vitals while the doctor asks a few questions, including whether she's absolutely sure she wants to have an abortion.\n\n"I've never been so sure of anything in my life."\n\n[[Next.|Procedure 2]]
Sondra's eyes go wide and her mother grins. \n\n"Well, this is a surprise," her mother says. "I was beginning to think you weren't going to have any children."\n\n"It's a surprise to us, too," Latrice says, sneaking a glance at Roy. "But it feels right."\n\n"Well, I can't wait for another grandchild. When are you due?"\n\n"I'm six weeks along, so sometime in early June."\n\nHer mother nods. "You've still got some time. But you'd better not drag your feet too long on the wedding."\n\n[[Next.|Marriage question]]
When Latrice's cell phone rang between meetings, she knew it had to be Dr. Cruz's office. She tried to relax her jaw, but she couldn't. The call didn't help: Latrice was pregnant.\n\nThe rest of the day passed in a haze as Latrice struggled to focus on her work and agonized over how to tell Roy. She didn't feel right telling him in the car on the way to her mother's. They wouldn't have time to talk. It wouldn't be fair. Sitting on the news didn't feel good either. But while she knew they'd both be tired if she waited until they got home, at least they would have time to have a real conversation. She decided to wait.\n\n[[Continue|Apartment]]
Latrice starts researching childcare options. Even on her salary, a full-time nanny is an extravagance they can't hope to afford. But even infant daycare is costly. And Latrice just doesn't feel comfortable with handing Darius over to a stranger all day long, even if the center and the teachers have all been thoroughly researched.\n\nMaybe it's time to rethink her career options. But Latrice is worried that if she gives up practicing law, she'll lose everything about herself. So much has changed in the past few months. She wants some semblance of her old life and self. \n\n[[Latrice decides to change her career.|Change]]\n[[Latrice decides to go with daycare.|Daycare]]
Two weeks later, Latrice goes to the clinic for her appointment. The waiting room is crowded, but Latrice doesn't have to wait very long before she is called back. She's relieved that the doctor is slightly aloof. She doesn't want to make chitchat. She just wants to get this over with.\n\nThe doctor shows Latrice the blurry image of the fetus. "During the counseling session we can review your options. If you had come in just a little sooner, I'd recommend a nonsurgical abortion, but at this point, I'm going to suggest a surgical procedure. Do you have any questions for me at this point?"\n\n"No, I don't."\n\n"Let's move into another room, then, so other patients can have this space." She hands Latrice a booklet called "A Woman's Right to Know" and escorts her into a small office. \n\n[[Next.|Counseling]]
Latrice calls the clinic to reschedule. But she can tell from the receptionist's tone that this is not going to be easy. Latrice waits quietly as the receptionist looks through the appointment calendar, her optimism fading.\n\n"I'm sorry, but we don't have any other openings for two weeks."\n\n[[Next.|Reschedule 2]]
Latrice decides to call the clinic closest to her office. She knows there will be at least two visits, and she wants to minimize her time away from work as much as possible. \n\nShe's not sure the clinic will take her insurance--not all clinics do--but she has plenty in savings. She's grateful that on top of all her other worries at least payment isn't a concern.\n\nLatrice is on the phone the second the clinic opens at 9:00. The receptionist puts her on hold for five minutes and each one feels agonizing. Finally, though, she picks back up.\n\n"I do apologize for the wait, Ma'am. How can I help you today."\n\n"I'm pregnant and I want to have an abortion. I saw my regular gynecologist yesterday but she doesn't perform abortions. It's been five weeks since the date of my last menstrual period."\n\n"I'm so glad you have that information up front. I can get you in this week if you want, but I'm actually going to recommend that you wait until late next week."\n\n"Why?"\n\n"Do you know about the state ultrasound requirement?"\n\n"Yes, I do."\n\n"Our ultrasound devices cannot detect a fetus before six weeks. If you come in this week for the ultrasound, you might just have to start the process all over again."\n\n"Seriously?" Latrice immediately feels bad, hoping the receptionist didn't hear the irritation in her voice.\n\n"I'm sorry, Ma'am."\n\n"No, it's okay. It's not your fault. How about next Thursday?" If she has to wait, Latrice is at least going to take the most efficient option.\n\n"Is nine o'clock okay?"\n\nLatrice scans her calendar. No meetings until after lunch that day. "That works great."\n\nThe receptionist collects some more information and then they hang up. Latrice is still annoyed that she has to wait a week, but she's glad that at least it's going to get done.\n\n[[Next.|Work conflict]]
"I don't want a baby. I've never wanted kids. Between work and taking care of the rest of the family, I don't feel like I have room in my life for a child of my own."\n\nRoy breathes a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry you're in this position. But I'm glad we're in agreement. I'd have stuck by you if you wanted to keep it, but I think it's better this way."\n\n"Yeah."\n\n"So you're going to get an abortion?"\n\n[[Yes.|Abortion]]
"Sondra, I'm really sorry, but I can't talk about this right now. You know I love you and your kids and that I do my best to help out. But I need to take care of myself sometimes."\n\n"But--"\n\n"I'm sorry you're upset. I'll make it up to you next weekend, okay? Roy and I will take the kids off of your hands for two whole days."\n\n"Latrice, I need help now."\n\nLatrice chokes back tears. "Look, I'll reimburse you for a babysitter if you really need one tomorrow. I'll cover it. Okay? I'll come by this weekend and drop off some cash to take care of it. But I have to go now. I'm sorry. I love you."\n\nLatrice hangs up the phone. She spends the night tossing and turning, and she isn't sure if it's from nerves or from guilt.\n\n[[Next.|Procedure]]
"I don't know. This totally blindsided me. On the one hand, I think we're in a good position to have a baby. On the other hand, I'm not sure I really want one."\n\n"Have you talked to your mom?"\n\nLatrice shakes her head. "I wanted to tell you first. Plus, I'm afraid of how she'll react. I know she gets tired of looking after Sondra's kids, but she'd love it if she had another grandchild. I would hate to disappoint her."\n\n"What about Sondra?"\n\n"Maybe that's a good idea."\n\n"Look, you know how I feel. We could be great parents, but we don't have to be. We both have a lot going on and I like our lives the way they are. But it's your decision. If you really want a baby, I'm on board."\n\n"Really?"\n\n"Really."\n\nAs they get ready for bed, Latrice's mind is still racing, but she feels a little better. No matter what happens, Roy has her back.\n\nLying awake, she considers whether it would be better to talk to her sister or her coworker Kim. Of the two, Sondra is the one who has experience being a mother, but she's also not great at keeping secrets. Latrice doesn't want Sondra telling their mother if she ends up making a decision that causes strife. \n\nKim, on the other hand, is not just a colleague, but one of her closest friends. And maybe Kim's tranquil demeanor, gentle attitude, and ability to remain calm in the face of chaos are what Latrice needs right now. \n\n[[Latrice decides to talk to Sondra|Sondra]]\n[[Latrice decides to talk to Kim|Talk to Kim]]\n
But Latrice recognizes that she needs to find some sort of work soon. She needs a career to feel complete. Plus, when they bought the house, they'd assumed that Latrice and Roy would both be working after the baby was born. Roy makes a good salary, but with the mortgage and the expenses of a new baby on top of everything else, Latrice has already had to dip into her savings. \n\nThe university law school isn't hiring at the moment, but the pre-law program at the community college does have positions open. It's nothing compared to what she was making before, but combined with Roy's income, the family will be stable. And since the classes are all at night, Latrice can care for her mother and son during the day and Roy can handle the childcare for a few hours in the evening. It's not ideal but it will do for now. She also starts researching establishing her own practice, but decides to wait until Darius is a year old. She still has a lot of adjusting to do and decides she doesn't need the stress of starting her new business on top of that.\n\nAs the months go on, Latrice finds herself still missing her old profession. More and more, she starts itching to practice law again. She reminds herself, however, that Darius' babyhood is temporary. Law will still be there when he's old enough for daycare.
Latrice sighs. "Sondra, I didn't want to tell you this because I didn't want you to hate me. But I can't lie. I'm getting an abortion tomorrow afternoon."\n\n"What?"\n\n"I'm sorry. I really thought about everything you said. I took your advice to heart and I tried to do what you and mom would want, but I just can't. I know you're probably mad, but I can't be a mother. I'm sorry."\n\n"I can't believe you'd do that. I thought you were better than that."\n\nLatrice holds back tears. This is exactly what she didn't want. She regrets ever mentioning the pregnancy to her family in the first place.\n\n"Sondra, I know you're upset. I hate to be a disappointment. I--I don't hate you for being mad at me. But maybe later we can talk about this and you'll understand why I made this decision."\n\n"I don't think I'll ever understand. I need to go now." She hangs up abruptly.\n\nLatrice spends the night tossing and turning, and she isn't sure if it's from nerves or from guilt.\n\n[[Next.|Procedure]]
The next day, Latrice calls a nearby clinic as soon as they open.\n\n"I'm eleven weeks pregnant. I thought I was going to keep it, but I've changed my mind. I'd like to schedule the initial appointment for an abortion as soon as possible."\n\n"We're booked for the rest of the week," the receptionist says. "I can get you in next Wednesday afternoon."\n\n"That will work," Latrice says. \n\n[[Next.|Work conflict]]
Latrice is so busy with work that it's two days before she has a chance to talk to her coworker, Jane. Finally, though, the two of them have a chance to sit down.\n\n"I'm really worried, Jane," Latrice confesses. "I'm struggling to stay on top of my work just as it is. I'm afraid of what will happen to my career if I take three months off. And I have no idea how I'm going to balance work and a baby. I mean, my mother lives with us and is willing to help out, but she's not in the best health, and..."\n\n"Slow down, slow down," Jane says, handing Latrice a glass of water. "I know this is an overwhelming time for you."\n\n"But it gets better, right?"\n\nJane sighs. "Depends what you mean by better. Even if maternity leave doesn't affect your career--and it will, at least for a little while--the rest of your professional life is going to be about making tough choices between your career and your kids."\n\n"Do you regret it?"\n\n"I don't regret having my kids, and I don't regret keeping my career. But I hate that I'm constantly torn between the two. If my kids need me, that's a hit on my professional record. If I'm off at work, I feel guilty for neglecting my family. I assume that Roy doesn't want to be a stay-at-home dad, right?"\n\n"We hadn't really talked about it. I just sort of assumed we'd both keep our careers."\n\nJane smirks. "And how many mothers do you see in this office?"\n\n"So what do I do? I can't just quit and be a stay-at-home mom. Maybe that works for some people, but I love my career."\n\n"You power through, accept that your career is going to take a hit, and recognize that it's not fair, but put up with it anyway. Or you can make a change and get on a path that gives you more flexibility."\n\n"This system sucks."\n\n"Maybe we'd have an easier time changing it if we weren't balancing family with sixty-hour workweeks."\n\n[[Next.|Career choice]]
Latrice and Roy decide to give daycare a try for three months and then re-evaluate. With the cost of tuition, money is a little tighter than they'd like, but Latrice found a center and teachers she could trust, and Darius seems happy there. Latrice has been considering no longer paying school tuition for Sondra's children--it would really help their budget--but she hasn't worked up the nerve to have that discussion with her sister. She's exhausted trying to balance career and motherhood. She doesn't want strife with her sister as well. \n\nEven with full-time daycare, there are some days when Latrice is so exhausted that she doesn't think she can take it. But when she thinks of a life without a career at all, she knows she can't do that, either. Sometimes, she checks out other positions, but nothing else captures her attention. So Latrice resigns herself to a few more years of fatigue and hopes that once Darius starts school, things will get a little easier.
Latrice fidgets as the doctor reviews the stages of gestation.\n\n"Is something wrong?" the doctor asks. \n\n"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude. I just...I got through high school health class. I don't want kids. I know I want an abortion. And I had to skip a big meeting to be here today."\n\n"Well, by law, we have to go over this."\n\n"I know. You're just doing your job. I'm sorry."\n\nThe doctor goes into more detail about medical and surgical abortions. Some of the side effects do sound unpleasant and she'll need a follow-up appointment, but all in all, it seems like the best option.\n\n"I see in the pamphlet that there's a possibility it won't work," Latrice says. "All in all, medical abortion seems right for me, but I'm really afraid it won't take and I'll have to start the process all over again."\n\n"If I were concerned about that, I wouldn't be recommending it to you at all. Yes, it's a possibility, but as early along as you are, that shouldn't be an issue. You'd have to act this week or next week, though."\n\n"I was planning on it."\n\nAfter the doctor reviews the rest of the information, Latrice is still prepared to have an abortion. She arranges to pick up her prescriptions from the clinic before they close on Friday evening. \n\n[[Next.|Alt waiting period]]
Latrice stays at Kim's house until it's late. When she arrives, Roy is already asleep. Latrice still feels wired and spends the night tossing and turning on the couch, trying to lull herself into bored sleep with infomercials. But by sunrise, she accepts defeat, gets up, and goes to the office early.\n\nShe's a little nervous when she gets home that evening. She wonders if Roy is still angry; they haven't talked all day. But when she walks in, he actually seems cheerful.\n\n"I went over the paternity leave policy with HR at work today," he says. "I only get one month, unfortunately. But it's better than nothing. Maybe you can take a shorter leave, and then I can take my month off to help everyone adjust while you go back to work. Or I can take a month off right when the baby is born and be around to help you. And maybe if I like it, we can think about something more permanent."\n\nLatrice hugs Roy. "Thank you."\n\n"No promises, okay? I don't want to commit to being a stay-at-home parent right now. But I'll give it a try."\n\n"That's all I ask. Thank you."\n\n[[Next.|Birth]]
"How was your talk with Jane?" Roy asks when Latrice gets home.\n\n"Unfortunately, it didn't make me feel better. Either my career takes a huge hit or I run myself ragged trying to balance work and a kid."\n\n"We'll make it work."\n\n"Yeah, I know. I just feel like no matter what I decide, I can't win."\n\n"Just remember that you're not alone. I love you."\n\n"I love you, too."\n\n[[Next.|Birth]]
Latrice fidgets as the doctor reviews the stages of gestation.\n\n"Is something wrong?" the doctor asks. \n\n"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude. I just...I got through high school health class. I don't want kids. I know I want an abortion. And I have a really stressful job that I need to get back to."\n\n"Well, by law, we have to go over this."\n\n"I know. You're just doing your job. I'm sorry."\n\nAs the doctor outlines the differences between medical and surgical abortion, Latrice starts to feel even more irritated. A medical abortion wouldn't have been easy, but it would have been easier to schedule around work and she could have had the weekend to recover rather than taking time out of her workweek. But because of that stupid meeting it's too late.\n\n"Are you sure it's too late to have a medical abortion?"\n\n"At this point, there's a pretty high risk that it won't work and you'll need a surgical procedure anyway."\n\nLatrice doesn't want to have that fear hanging over her head. As she listens to the doctor, she decides to go the surgical route. \n\nAfter the doctor reviews the last of the information, Latrice still hasn't changed her mind. At the end of the visit, she books her appointment for the following week; she can't be fit in until then. Latrice sets up a time in the afternoon so she can at least put in a half day at work. \n\n[[Next.|Waiting Period]]
"How was your talk with Jane?" Roy asks when Latrice gets home.\n\n"Unfortunately, it didn't make me feel better. Either my career takes a huge hit or I run myself ragged trying to balance work and a kid."\n\n"We'll make it work."\n\n"Have you ever considered being a stay-at-home-dad?" Latrice blurts out. No sense in beating around the bush.\n\n"I don't want to give up my career any more than you do. I'm sure a lot of people are happy raising their kids full-time, but it's not for me."\n\n"Someone is going to have to make a compromise."\n\n"Look, I said I would support whatever decision you made. But given the choice, I would not have had the baby. I'm sure I will love it when it comes, but this is not the path I would have chosen. And I definitely did not agree to give up my career as part of this."\n\nLatrice feels tears stinging the corners of her eyes. This isn't fair. \n\n"I think I'm going out for dinner," she says, taking care to maintain her cool until she's in her car. She doesn't want her mother to hear them fighting.\n\n[[Next.|Dinner with Kim.]]
By mid-morning Monday, Latrice can tell the work week is going to be more hectic than usual. The firm has landed a new case which has, in turn, landed on Latrice's desk. She knows the high level of responsibility is a vote of confidence in her abilities and seeing her efforts to climb the firm's ladder paying off is gratifying. \n\nBut the case is also a lot of pressure and it's wreaking havoc with her schedule. Trying to keep Thursday afternoon clear is becoming increasingly difficult. And when one of the firm's clients demands a meeting with their entire legal team, Latrice finds herself in a difficult position. Refusing to attend the meeting without giving a reason isn't an option; citing illness will invite invasive questions and potentially indicate weakness. She doesn't want anyone at work to think she can't handle her increasing case load. Maybe she could try to reschedule her appointment.\n\n[[Latrice decides to reschedule her appointment.|Reschedule]]\n[[Latrice decides to say she cannot attend the meeting.|Meeting]]
Roy cuts the umbilical cord, and then the doctor hands Latrice her son.\n\n"He's beautiful," she whispers. She can't believe she's actually holding her own baby. Her son, who they've decided to name Darius, after her father.\n\nLatrice is exhausted, but still wired from the birth. She sits up for a few hours still, gazing at her child. \n\n[[Next.|New life]]
Latrice is set up in a private birthing suite. Kim stays until Roy arrives with Sondra in tow.\n\n"Mom has the kids," Sondra said. "She wanted to be here, but someone had to look after them."\n\n"That's fine," Latrice says, just before a contraction takes hold of her. She doesn't know how she'll endure several more hours of this. \n\nThe afternoon turns into night, and then into the dark hours of the morning. The contractions get more intense and Latrice feels more exhausted with every hour. For a while, she tries to sleep but can't manage to doze for very long. \n\nFinally, just after three in the morning, Latrice delivers a son.\n\n[[Next.|Alt Birth 4]]
Latrice hurries to Kim's office. "My water just broke. What do I do?"\n\n"I would think you'd call the doctor and go to the hospital."\n\n"But it's early. My due date is ten days away. I'm supposed to have another day and a half of work. I'm supposed to have some downtime before the baby comes."\n\n"And nature frequently doesn't care about what's supposed to happen."\n\n"I'm not ready to have a baby. I don't know what to do."\n\n"Would you like me to drive you to the hospital? Roy can come get your car later."\n\n"I...I guess so. Thanks."\n\nThey get into Kim's car and head out. Latrice calls Roy.\n\n"I'm in labor."\n\n"What? But your due date--"\n\n"I don't know. But Kim is taking me to the hospital. It'll probably be a while, though. You can probably finish your workday if you want."\n\n"No way. I'm headed over there right now. I'll call Sondra and your mother. Don't worry about a thing. Just relax."\n\n[[Next.|Alt Birth 3]]
In the weeks following the wedding, Latrice and Roy begin more serious planning for the baby. They love their condo, but Latrice points out that staying put isn't financially prudent and that space might be an issue. \n\nAlso, Latrice realizes that the addition to their family is going to mean some refiguring of the support she provides her other family members. She doesn't want to cut anyone off, but continuing to pitch in for her mother's rent and medical bills and Stephen's tuition, while helping out Sondra and her kids, and preparing for the baby, too, makes Roy and Latrice's finances a little more precarious than either of them would like.\n\nWhen Latrice and Roy come across a recently remodeled 4-bedroom that fits their budget, Roy has an idea.\n\n"Baby, we don't need that much space. We've been living in a condo less than half that size for years. Do you think your mother might want to move in with us?"\n\nAt first, Latrice thinks Roy might be joking -- the realtor had called the house's floor plan "a perfect mother-in-law setup." But, Roy swears he isn't. He points out that having Latrice's mother close would mean Latrice could more easily look after her mother's health and her mother could be as involved as she wants with her new grandchild. And if Latrice's mother were living with them, Latrice wouldn't have to worry about her mother's rent. After proposing the idea to her mother, the decision is made. Latrice's mother will be moving into the "perfect mother-in-law setup."\n\n[[Next.|Work stress]]
Sondra rushes to their mother's bedside. Latrice hangs out near the foot of the bed. She's not entirely sure her mother wants to see her. \n\n"Hi, girls." Her mother's voice is faint.\n\n"Hi, Mom," Latrice says, trying not to cry. She hates seeing her mother looking so tired and weak.\n\n"Latrice, honey, why are you hanging back there like that? Come sit next to your mother."\n\nLatrice sits opposite of Sondra. "I wasn't sure you'd want to see me. I thought you were mad at me."\n\n"Honey, you're still my baby and I love you. I don't agree with what you did, but hell, today, I got a reminder of how short life can be. I don't want us to be mad at each other for however long I have left. You did what you did. That doesn't change the fact that we're family."\n\nTheir mother turns to Sondra. "I mean it. I don't want you freezing your sister out anymore. You're family. Family forgives."\n\n"Yes, Mom."\n\nTheir mother begins to cough and Latrice hurries to get her some water. They chat a little longer before the doctor enters.\n\n"Visiting hours are ending for the night. You can come back in the morning."\n\nOutside in the waiting room, Latrice and Sondra share a tentative hug. Latrice knows it will be a while before things are back to normal. But she's starting to feel hopeful. \n
During the next week, Latrice lives in a constant state of agitation. Every time someone wants an appointment, she braces herself, worried that they'll try to make her come into work the day of her abortion. She can't let anything get in the way, though. This needs to happen.\n\nThe night before the abortion, Sondra calls Latrice. "I need to pull a late shift tomorrow. Can y'all take the kids?"\n\nLatrice thinks frantically. Roy could probably handle everything just fine, but she really wanted to come home to a quiet house and stay in bed until the next day. She wasn't even planning to bring work home with her. \n\n"I'm sorry, Sondra. I can't. I...I haven't been feeling well and I don't want the kids to be exposed to anything."\n\n"What? You're sick? Have you been to the doctor? Is Roy taking care of you?"\n\n"It's fine, Sondra. I mean, I'm going to be okay."\n\n"Have you talked to a doctor? You should check in, you know. I mean, there's the baby to think of."\n\n"Sondra, I promise, it's fine."\n\n"Okay..." she sounds skeptical, but then changes her tone. "Please take the kids for the night. You're probably not contagious at this point if it's been a few days."\n\n"I'm sorry, the answer is no."\n\n"I don't think you're sick. I think you're lying so you don't have to watch the kids. What about family? What about helping each other out?"\n\nLatrice winces. This is not the way she wanted the conversation to go. "Sondra, I'm really having a rough time this week. I'm sorry that you are, too. Can we just talk about this later?"\n\n"What is so important that you can't even help me out?"\n\n"Sondra, mind your own business," Latrice snaps, despite trying to control her temper. "I've been under a lot of pressure lately."\n\n"What is with you? Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you get to treat other people like shit."\n\nLatrice feels cornered. She doesn't want to keep fighting, but she's afraid that if she keeps trying to avoid confrontation, this is going to escalate. But she's also afraid of how Sondra will react if she finds out the truth.\n\n[[Latrice decides to tell Sondra about the abortion.|Tell]]\n[[Latrice decides to keep it a secret.|Secret]]\n\n\n
Latrice wakes up early. After a large glass of water, she takes the pills her doctor gave her. She sits down at her home office and attempts to get some work done, but about twenty minutes later, she starts having chills and her abdomen cramps. Within a few minutes, the nausea is so bad that Latrice practically has to crawl to the couch to lie down. She curls up in a ball until Roy comes in.\n\n"Holy crap, are you okay?"\n\n"This is normal," Latrice says. "This isn't supposed to be pleasant."\n\n"Should I get you some painkillers?"\n\nLatrice doesn't think she can even keep those down. She's starting to regret that glass of water. \n\n"Just hand me the remote, please."\n\nRoy does and then fetches a can of Coke and a bottle of ibuprofen. "Just in case you need it."\n\nRoy sits on the other end of the couch and rubs Latrice's legs while they watch TV. She channel-surfs. The pain is too intense for her to concentrate for very long and nothing really interests her, anyway.\n\n[[Next.|Saturday 2]]