Characters coming any minute (or any day)

We’ve been hard work on the game, and we’ve been working closely with a talented illustrator to help bring our characters to life. As part of developing a working prototype of the game, we’ve already commissioned some of the game artwork, and can’t wait to share concept art. Stay tuned for more news soon.

Protesting in the Capitol rotunda

Allyson spent Friday night protesting in the Capitol rotunda. These are some of the inspiring signs she saw.

Protesting in Capitol Rotunda (Sign 01)

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Stand With Texas Women Rally

Stand with Texas Women Rally

Carly got to catch the Wendy Davis #StandWithTXWomen rally yesterday in San Antonio. She snagged a lot of pictures, but this one of Davis at the podium is her favorite.

Hello, world.

Choice: Texas is an interactive fiction game about abortion access in Texas. The game, in development since spring 2013, asks players to consider the difficulties faced by those seeking abortion services in the Lone Star State.

This Tumblr will include news and updates about the game as the game nears completion and launch.